Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Technology Enters Your Bedroom

First episode is about a god man having a nice time with one of the film stars,that  was video graphed by his close associate ,and then circulated to news channels  perhaps for  a hefty sum.The CD that can be classified as a pornographic material is beamed on  TV  for more than a month causing  embarrassment for family viewers.

Second instance is a Karnataka politician having  an intimate relationship with a nurse which was  also shown on  the TV news channel  in a similar  manner.The above said  politician later becomes a Cabinet Minister and the nurse who had earlier accused him for rape, reaches an understanding   with him and then matter was closed. He now becomes man of virtues and of course, continue in the cabinet as honourable minister!

Third instance which is the latest one had gone one step further.A politician claims that his wife was raped five months back by a Cabinet Minister ,that  has  been  sincerely video graphed and photographed by him when such an act was going on  in his physical presence.The minister resigns and offer himself for enquiry.We will not surprised, so called victim's husband may send a CD to TV channels for general public to see!
Oh ! Our country has progressed in all fronts,including moral degradation.The X-rated CDS that are fit to  be  shown  on adult  program channels  are being beamed on news channels for the consumption of general public.
We have known in Mahabharatha,in the  Kouravas palace , Dushyashana brother of Duryodhana  was asked to  remove  sari of Drowpadi ,the wife of five Pandavas , in their physical presence. They were  merely watching  the act like impotent men and, Lord Krisha has to come to her rescue,that is what story says.Now,  here we see a similar  instance when a person's  wife is being raped the  husband   is supposed to rescue her from such heinous act, instead goes on   taking a video and photographs.Husband's  hand was neither tied nor it was a gang rape.Victims husband who looks physically more healthier than the rapist cries for justice after five months! Is he fooling  the general public ?I had remembered to have seen a movie, few years back ,based on the novel DR. Ashok Pai ,Famous psychiatrist has dealt with such psychological tendencies.
There is lesson in all these episodes.All powerful people,especially  politicians are vulnerable for blackmail,if they get involved in immoral act ,due technology entering to their bed room.The credibility of news channels who keep  beaming such programs,with out analysing the intention of both the parties ,will go down in the eyes of public who can not taken for granted .


  1. The blog is about recent turmoil related to moral terpitude of men in power and important position in society.I REQUEST THE COMMENT OF ENLIGHTENED PUBLIC ON THIS EPISODE.

  2. The cases you mentioned have turned out to be lewd entertainment for the public. The seriousness is lost.
    2 aspects are to be clearly addressed.

    1. How can a person who put in technology in a private bedroom be spared? In the swami's case, there is no case against the person who shot the videos. How could he be spared? He is happily giving TV interviews. Isn't he and media responsible for circulating porn (which is a criminal offence)? Halappa's case is slightly different.
    2. The courts have do not accept sting operation videos as evidence. Basically the reason is again "technology". Photos and videos can be morphed. How can this be addressed.

    Technology is watching your every move today. CCTV cameras, phone tapping etc. Where is privacy?
