Saturday, July 24, 2010

Pakistan's survival depends on two weapons

Pakistan has no oil wells or any precious natural resource to attract Americans. But,Pakistani government knows very well that if they have to get western aid and support, particularly from USA they have to have a nuisance value of which  all western super powers are worried of.They have two major weapons  namely, Nuclear weapon and state sponsored terrorism.Pakistan has sheltered all major terrorist groups that can be effectively used either against India,which is their sworn enemy, or selectively used against  USA if need be.Presently, they are able to keep USA on tenter hooks by shielding most wanted terrorists like BIN LADEN and Mulla Omer.As long as these two are kept safe some where in the hills of wazirastan they can continue to derive all benefits from USA.

Pakistan knows very well   that USA will dump them the moment they hand over these two famous terrorists to USA.Therefore,they have to  play the drama of being active partners to USA in fighting global terrorism.Pakistan is very well  aware that USA has no permanent friends, they only have permanent interest.If one goes by the history of the fate of  their earlier friends like SHAH OF IRAN,no body will take chances with them.Pakistan now has become proverbial BHASMASHURA IN INDIAN MYTHOLOGY to all the western  powers.

However,one good thing USA has done to all other nations ,especially to India ,to keep Pakistan busy  fighting terrorists in their own home soil.This strategy may ultimately help USA to split Pakistan and Afghanistan.Whether this will really work in the long run one has to wait and see.

India as usual goes to Pakistan with all the proofs of terrorism on Indian soil actively supported by Pakistani establishment,which will promptly denied by Pakistan.After repeated snubbing from Pakistan we still believe that Pakistan is very serious about eliminating terror.Our foreign minister,who is oxford educated gentleman ,who is in his seventies [sometimes finds it difficult to memorise the name of our Home secretary and Pakistan foreign minister,which Burka Dutt has to prompt in her interview ]can hardly match the vitriolic  rebuttal  of Pakistan foreign minister.He can only snub our Home Secretary who has unwittingly   told the truth  of Headly confession on involvement of Pakistani establishment in terrorist activity in  India,in particular 26/11,  but not the Pakistani establishment.We Indians are good at living on false hopes,where as Pakistan is able to market terrorism for its own advantage.GOD SAVE US!