Saturday, August 14, 2010

Why many professionals taking to criminality ?

Now days it is very sad to know , more and more educated young  highly paid professionals becoming criminals of the worst kind.Now a days why these educated middle class people are taking to criminality ,especially techies:there is serious need to  ponder over.I strongly believe that there is serious conflict between  their upbringing and their family values with present day life style .I have tried  to highlight  some the problems below.
1.Easy access to money and sudden richness consequent greed to become more rich-Indian middle class has never even dreamt that with a modest education they can become millionaires with in a matter of one decade.The kind of money one gets in the  early stages of  his career ,which probably they are incapable of  handling  makes them to lead a extravagant life style devoid of any ethics.Money has over taken all other values.There is no commitment to either job,organisation for which they work.

2.Family values are shrinking and  slowly, disappearing-About ten years back one can not even imagine in Indian society unmarried men and women staying together,which now a days has become common feature  in cities.Dating and  having sex before marrige is no more a taboo. This is  a very wrong imitation of western values which is directly in conflict with their upbringing and in my opinion has certainly created a unhealthy society.

3.To day majority of the young couple do not want to  live with, in-laws / parents.Majority of the cases the first question girl side  will ask is, whether you have aged parents.If so he will not be able to find a suitable bride.Even if they marry, with in a matter of  an year or so it is very likely that they will walk out of their family or it will result in a divorce.There are cases where husband and in laws were  put behind bars based on the complaint of educated BAHU, even though it was  not  a dowry case-thanks  to PREVENTION OF DOWRY LAW.
4.Absolutely unrealistic life style.Many young  professionals  follow a life style hither too unknown to our family set up.
I may be called old fashioned person,but our values are time tested and whoever disowns it will doing so at his own peril.We see lot of young people have all sorts psychosomatic deceases at very early age.They have become very arrogant,career oriented professionals ,whose main aim  is to go up in the ladder at any cost.

This has to change if we are to build healthy society.Let us not copy western values blindly.We should copy them for their work ethics,honesty,integrity in life,certainly  not their life style and family values .


  1. In all such heinous crimes, the justice delayed and more often denied, un-nerves the victims and their families and embolden the criminals. Swift action is ESSENTIAL. Many a times, whistle blowers and main witnesses are threatened or eliminated. The loooong arm of justice is the main reason.

    B.Sambasiva Rao

  2. " This is a very wrong imitation of western values which is directly in conflict with their upbringing and in my opinion has certainly created a unhealthy society."

    could you please elaborate on this?

  3. I dont understand.. what your trying to prove..The post looks more like your frustrated with todays generation rather than finding a solution.
